Udało się komuś usunąć reklamy w kindlu z FW 4.1 ?
Bo mi sie nie udaje. Za każdym razem jak się łączę przez PUTTY to wyskakuje komunikat "connection refused"
Z tego co starałem się ogarnąć z innych wpisów to chyba Kindle 4 z FW 4.1 został pozbawiony SSH i dlatego.
No ale może ktoś to jakoś ominął?
PROBLEM ROZWIĄZANY. Wsytarczyło napisać do helpdesku Amazonu i napisać że jest się spoza US.
Poniżej mail jaki otrzymałem:
I am sorry for the inconvenience caused to you in this case. That's definitely not what we want our customers to experience.
To help you with this, I have disabled the special offers on your Kindle device at no additional cost.
Please turn wireless on, and the next time you connect your Kindle device wirelessly, it will complete the process of unsubscribing your device from special offers.
Further, you can also do it yourself through Manage Your Kindle page:
www.amazon.com/manageyourkindle To unsubscribe your Kindle device from Special Offers:
1. Locate your Kindle in the Manage Your Devices section of Manage Your Kindle and click the plus icon to display more information about your device.
2. In the Special Offers column, click Edit. Then, follow the instructions to unsubscribe from Special Offers.
3. The next time you connect your Kindle device wirelessly, your device will be unsubscribed from Special Offers.
You'll receive an e-mail notification confirming your account has been charged for unsubscribing from Special Offers.
If you have additional questions regarding the same issue then please contact us via chat or phone support so we could assist you better by providing some more assistance.
You can reach Kindle Customer Support by clicking Contact Us on our Kindle Support pages at:
http://www.amazon.com/kindlesupportYou can reach us directly and toll free from many countries. Learn how on our Kindle Support website:
http://www.kindle.com/support I hope this information helps you. Rest assured we are here to take care of your issues.