Czyżby następca Kobo Aura?
Kobo’s newest ereader showed up on the FCC website on Friday, and even though the more interesting details are embargoed this filing told me a lot.
If the hints dropped in the test reports are correct, this is probably going to be a 6″ ereader with Wifi, an HD E-ink screen, a microSD card slot, and a frontlight. And if the date for the embargo is correct the more interesting details will be revealed on 30 August, suggesting that this ereader will likely ship some time next month.
Update: I’ve just learned that someone posted images of this ereader on his blog. See the end of the post.
Few of the hardware details are explicitly spelled out in the paperwork, but the test report does describe this device as a 6″ ereader. Netronix (Kobo’s hardware partner) was also so kind as to let us see far more detail about the backside of the new device than was strictly necessary.
reszta tutaj: ... e7oF6zDU2S_____
Teraz się zastanawiam czy nie anulować mojego zamówienia na Aurę i poczekać na następcę...